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Leadership Team

Chasing IT down to the end

This team isn't interested in just getting by. Stamm's leadership is comprised of creative and technical minds who are always looking to learn more in order to continuously improve not only our service offerings for clients, but the work environment for the complete Stamm team.

Executive Leadership

  • Dave Stamm, CEO

    Dave Stamm


    Once fired from The Gap, Dave is our fearless leader whose seasonal conundrum includes his La Croix car stash freezing during Wisconsin winters. The energizer bunny of the office, he’s a professional power walker attempting to be everywhere all at once with catchphrases that include love it, great question, my calendar is wide open tomorrow (it never is), and the world is on fire today. Don't let his title fool you, Dave is an all-hands-on-deck kind of guy that’ll do his best to find an ugly sweater for a company competition or jump on a flight to hand deliver equipment for a client emergency.

  • Tracey Heber, Director of Operations

    Tracey Heber

    Director of Operations

    The comeback, seriously, she left and came back AND worked her way into a leadership position. We're so glad she did. Tracey is Stamm Tech's driving force in every way possible. Leaving no stone unturned, there isn't an internal or external problem she can't solve. She's a rockstar with our clients and usually has a pretty great out-of-office email. You can find Tracey jamming out to John Mayer (she knows all the words—literally, obsessed) with a millennial-sized coffee and candle lit as she gets those steps in with her standing desk treadmill.
  • Chris Kalupa, Director of Technical Services

    Chris Kalupa

    Director of Technical Services

    We affectionately refer to him by his last name (mostly because it’s fun to say). Chris is equal parts technical account manager and service engineer, leading our tech team to victory 24/7/365. The only title he likes holding is that of Office Grill Master, but we’ve given him a director title anyway because he’s that good and that modest. If you need a midday pick-me-up, Chris’s the man with the best viral video clips that he’ll quote loudly to announce his entrance into the office. Star in a marketing reel or social photo, whatever you need, Chris is always up for the challenge.
  • Bryan Heindel, Director of IT

    Bryan Heindel

    Director of IT

    If he had a favorite emoji, it’d be “Meh.” Known for unsubscribing from marketing emails, Bryan’s our tech brain in a Carhartt beanie. He’s always on the hunt for the best tools and processes to keep our team and our clients operational. His multi-monitor set-up is like something from the movies. We mustn’t forget to mention the mini fridge that seems to have started a trend in the tech corner of the office. Bryan’s a down-to-business kind of guy, but his dedication to technology keeps us all on track.
  • Robert Tyson, Lead Technical Account Manager

    Robert Tyson

    Director of Account Management

    If you asked him to take a long walk off a short pier, he’d tell you he’s a good swimmer. As Director of Account Management, Robert is our utility player that keeps the sales, onboarding, project, and account manager rollercoasters on track. He’s a founding member of the “Whatever It Takes Boyz” (check out our Instagram—you're missing out) and the creator of “Bob’s Beats,” formerly a music review website that covered everything BUT country music (he was explicitly clear). He could rival Dave in a power walking contest and most days gets more steps in than Tracey.


Stamm Stories

Taking it from the top

Taking it from the top

As I took on more leadership responsibility at Stamm Tech, it became apparent that if we wanted to continue to grow the business, we needed to do a better job outlining our company vision and goals. We gathered the best people from each department and created our Traction EOS leadership team. Now, with regular Level 10 meetings and quarterly planning meetings, we're able to drive our growth more effectively and have successfully implemented more processes and better organization so every one of our employees knows how they fit in our company.

Tracey Heber Director of Operations, Stamm Tech


The entire Stamm team, from the top down, is invested in maintaining a top-tier level of service backed by our core values. Curious what those values are?

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